Amidst their illustrious careers and international ventures, spanning across diverse landscapes and cultures, lies a profound epiphany...

For years, the discovery of a striking Africa brought together Philippe Le Corps, the leader of Flower & Roots, and Christine Le Cuziat, the leader of African Economies.

Africa, with its vibrant palette of colors and rich tapestry of traditions, not only captivates but elevates the human spirit. Its rugged yet magnificent landscapes, simultaneously invigorating and tranquil, unveil a breathtaking beauty that reflects an unmatched cultural diversity, forever captivating and enchanting.

Thus, the intertwined narratives of these visionary partners have converged, leading to a momentous decision to join forces. Against the backdrop of Africa's timeless allure, there's an undeniable sense of anticipation for the limitless possibilities that lie ahead...

As burgeoning industries and dynamic metropolises pulse with vitality, they herald a new era of promise, offering renewed hope for those poised to seize their moment. This marks a profound shift within the realm of luxury markets, where Flower&Roots has honed its expertise, complemented by the insightful perspectives of Economies Africaines, disseminated through its esteemed publications, articles, and interviews.

It is with great pride and anticipation that we unveil the latest addition to the Economies Africaines magazine—a dedicated section devoted entirely to the opulent realms of luxury and lifestyle.