At the forefront of innovation.


In 1938, General Motors unveiled the Buick Y-Job, the first car equipped with electrically controlled windows and a convertible top, the evolution of the automobile took a new step. What today seems commonplace, if not banal, constituted avant-garde solutions at the time, involving technical choices and anticipatory designs born of a philosophy that transformed the simple concept of transportation into a dream car. Nowadays, major automobile firms invest heavily in the study and construction of what is now called concept cars, that is, prototypes with innovative solutions and original aesthetics, capable of capturing attention at the largest international shows from Tokyo to Detroit, from Paris to Frankfurt, and Geneva. Some of these projects simply herald the arrival of models about to be launched into production; others, however, are purely exercises in style with their eccentric lines, ultra-powerful engines, and interiors of unparalleled luxury; yet others are pure technical laboratories aiming to improve the safety and reliability of automobiles — excerpt from the book "Concept Car" by Larry Edsall.

It's not a lack, but rather an agitation, an external excitement, a fixed idea that lingers in the mind, the desire to possess it. Any car can be fascinating, and the determination to obtain it without compromise is evident through its design, curves, power, and accomplished functionality. Setting off for adventure, rejecting conventions, discovering its character, driving and leaving everyone the freedom to evolve...

L'Art du Parfum


L’odeur de rose appartient à la rose...

Mais l’homme a cherché depuis la nuit des temps a percer, partager et transmettre le secret des

fragrances chatoyantes et suaves, oraison sacrées ou profanes, de rose, de violette, d’iris et de jasmin!

L'homme fut tout d’abord humble et à l’écoute de la nature qu’il découvrait, vibrante de senteurs, des

vallées embaumées, des paysages gorges d’épices et d’aromates et des plaines inondées de fleurs.


Son désir de parfumeur était de fixer le parfum, d’emprisonner dans des flacons précieux d’or ou d’albâtre, dans des fioles de cristal, quelques restants d’éternité.

Alors, le parfumeur commença à imaginer des fragrances subtiles et harmonieuses, galbées jusqu’au

bout des rêves, richesse d’effluves florales. 


Si on admet que l’art est un langage universel de l’émotion, alors la parfumerie est du grand art. -

Extrait du livre  “L’art du Parfum” par René Laruelle. 

At the forefront of innovation.


In 1938, General Motors unveiled the Buick Y-Job, the first car equipped with electrically controlled windows and a convertible top, the evolution of the automobile took a new step. What today seems commonplace, if not banal, constituted avant-garde solutions at the time, involving technical choices and anticipatory designs born of a philosophy that transformed the simple concept of transportation into a dream car. Nowadays, major automobile firms invest heavily in the study and construction of what is now called concept cars, that is, prototypes with innovative solutions and original aesthetics, capable of capturing attention at the largest international shows from Tokyo to Detroit, from Paris to Frankfurt, and Geneva. Some of these projects simply herald the arrival of models about to be launched into production; others, however, are purely exercises in style with their eccentric lines, ultra-powerful engines, and interiors of unparalleled luxury; yet others are pure technical laboratories aiming to improve the safety and reliability of automobiles — excerpt from the book "Concept Car" by Larry Edsall.

It's not a lack, but rather an agitation, an external excitement, a fixed idea that lingers in the mind, the desire to possess it. Any car can be fascinating, and the determination to obtain it without compromise is evident through its design, curves, power, and accomplished functionality. Setting off for adventure, rejecting conventions, discovering its character, driving and leaving everyone the freedom to evolve...